ANTHRO JOBS exclusively supports
anthroposophic institutions on the whole world. The web page is only for job offers. The publication of job offers on ANTHRO JOBS is free.
Acceptance by E-Mail
The advertisement acceptance is carried out online by an official e-mail address (if available) e. g. the e-mail address of the website of the institution as a word document or PDF. The job advertisements may be published in the local language. The Identity of the advertisement giver has to be transparent and checkable for us.
Advertisement design
An advertisement consists of title, text,
Accommodation address and logo (if available)
Duration of the advertisement
Advertisements remain published as long as it remains up-to-date. As soon as a job is taken or the advertisement isn't anymore up-to-date, the advertisment giver has to report the deletion of the advertisement.
Rejection of orders
ANTHRO JOBS has the right to delet advertisements anytime without a reason or explenation.
Stelleninserate Südafrika
Job advertisements South Africa
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